Learn to use your digital camera and improve your photography skills also, learn how to edit your photos using Adobe Photoshop.
Photographs vectorised using Photo editing software
Photographs using curves in Photo editing software
Photographs Solarised using Photo editing software
Posters in the style of Alexander Rodchenko
Food photography by Jackie Hewlett
Food photography by Alan Peters
Food photography by Lee Field
Food photography by Trish Foley
A selection of Macro photographs of Autumn leaves taken by Lee Field
A selection of photographs by Trish Foley
Photographs taken of reflections in a glass globe by Peter Wolfenden
A selection of photographs by Jackie Hewlett
A selection of our Chemigram images
These chemigrams were made by imprinting light sensitive paper with objects, such as leaves or flowers, dipped in darkroom chemicals, which were then processed using darkroom developer and fixer solutions. The resulting images were scanned and the colours edited in Photoshop.